Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Peter Vidmar

"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often."                                                                                                            - peter Vidmar

If you want something bad you have to fight for it. You have to keep working on it no matter how hard it is because eventually you will accomplish it. you shouldn't quit because quitters never win. You are a winner and winners never quit. it may seem like what you are working for take for ever and it might be true. However, soon enough the wait will be over and you will be happy with what you have accomplished.One example of this quote is if you want to be the best wide receiver in your football team you have to work constantly on that goal. you might get really tired of running back and forth. " pain is temporary, it may last for a minute an hour or maybe even a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place, if  you quit however it will last forever."- Lance Armstrong . If you have a goal and you keep putting it aside with other stuff that aren't as important you will never accomplish that goal.

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