Wednesday, December 16, 2015

class evaluation

 Class evaluation

There is many thing I  like about this class like and dislike. One of the things I like is that we get to learn how to properly type. I also enjoy learning how to use different thing on Microsoft word. I enjoy this because I have used these new thing in some of my projects. All the thing I learned in this class I never knew before. Even though  I like many thing about this class there is some things I dislike. For example I dislike the fact the what we do in this class is mundane. What I mean by this is that every time I come in this class we do the same. Aside from typing tutor because I know that it will  help m a lot, we always do a student success statement. I would like if we did something different. Something that would improve this class would be doing something a bit more fun that still has to do with computers. Like learning how to create a website. Something that  I would like would be if you used a variety of quote. I say this because it seems to me that most quote are about choosing the right thing. I think it would be great if you can add quote about a different theme. I think I did my best in his class so far. I also think I am committed to being a ctr person, because it I the right thing to do and it will get me farther not only in this class but in all my classes.

Monday, December 14, 2015


                                                                   IDP  SHOWCASE

  Our IDP showcase was based on presenting a power point to a professional about a disease. My class was assigned to do a tenth grade IDP however we are just freshman. We were to get in groups of four people and decide who would do what part. I ended up having the part for policies which included the questions, what are the policies regarding this disease, what problems can arise from this disease. and how much funding is used? After the we were given a random disease. Our group ended up getting chickenpox. I learned that in order to present the IDP you had to memorize your part of the project. This was so you can seem more professional when presenting. This project may have helped me raise some of my grades because i feel we did good as a group. When presenting the project i was nervous. however not as much because we had done a mock presentation. We had to present in front of our parents and some professionals. When we finished the power point we had to also present a creative element. Our group did haiku poems.


                                                                          "Always do right"
                                                                                            -Mark twain

   It is always better to do the right thing always. The reason for this is because it make you a better person. Also people will respect you more and you will have more chances at doing things you like in the future. For example doing the right can get you to a good college. If you choose the right during your time in college. Like doing all your work and studying extra if needed, then you will be able to graduate with a high degree. With this degree more jobs will want to have you and you will be able to make it to the job you want. Another reason of why you should always do right is because, it wont get you in trouble. If you friends want to do something that they aren't supposed to do, you should choose the right. Don't do what they are doing because it will get you in trouble.