Friday, May 27, 2016

memorial day

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Memorial day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died serving in the country's armed forces. It is celebrated on the last Monday of may. It was originally known as decoration day. There are many ways to honor the fallen men that fought for this country. One of which is to fly the flag, The correct way to do is to raise it half way from sunrise to noon where we remember those have died then all the way to the top for the rest of the day were we praise for the living veterans and those who serve. Another way is to just say thank you that means a lot to the soldier and they appreciate it very much. You can also write a letter saying thank you. Some interesting things i found were that more than 36 million people will travel at least 50 miles from home. I also found that Congress passed a law requiring Americans to pause at 3 pm on memorial day to remember and honor the fallen. I think memorial day is a very important day for many people. I feel everyone should celebrate no matter what their origin is because they are here and they as well are being protected. Many people had family members go to war and have died. I think they deserve for us to honor them just like they protected us. Something i will do to honor the is to pause at 3:00 pm for a moment of silence. This is  is a good day to remember those who have fallen and learn more about it.

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